“So he is here… in Abuja… at the moment…” she watched her friend nod at every phrase and smiled. She felt defeated. “Well, be careful. Loneliness should not drive you into the arms of someone that you know deep down might be so wrong for you” Lota looked at her friend stand up and leave the sitting room. It felt awkward hearing Kachi use her exact words at her. She was beginning to regret everything and wished to erase it from her mind. She picked up the bowl of popcorn and continued on the Soapie Kachi had stopped watching.

Friday morning

Both ladies were prepared for work. Kachi entered the kitchen and saw Lota wearing Jean pant, blue and white sneakers and a pink tea shirt that had her school logo boldly printed on it, eating. The two ladies glanced at each other and a brief awkward silence ensued before Kachi spoke, “I am sorry Lota, I shouldn’t have walked out on you like that…” Lota seeing how remorseful her friend was quickly interjected “Stop, you are the sister I never had. I totally understand why you were angry. Your concern means a lot to me” and both ladies hugged. Lota loved that Kachi hated bearing grudges with her. They settled their issues as quick as they could no matter what. “Then let me start by saying good morning, as usual, I will be heading to the shop to open up and see that the staff do the needful before I head to my office” Kachi said as she hurriedly ate a few spoons of fried rice from her friends plate. “Well, as usual, I will head to shop immediately I close from work. I pray these parents come on time to pick their children, especially Mrs Mojo. I wouldn’t want to leave the school keys with any of my teachers before ha kobaru’m akuko before they tell me stories” both ladies smiled.

As Kachi, was about leaving, Lota quickly informed her friend about meeting Deji the next day who only responded with “ok”. “At KL” Lota added and watched as Kachi tried to absorb the new information. “Yah sure, he needs to know you own a bad-ass eatery, the best in town!” Lota smiled “He doesn’t know and i probably want it that way until…” Kachi knew where her friend was heading to and felt a little guilty for such petty remark “Yah sure, that’s a great idea. I am running late. See you later muffin” she said and hurried to grab some items from the fridge. Lota watched as Kachi grabed a mug of blended vegetable shake from the fridge and left “Bye babe” she said as her friend left the kitchen.

The day had moved on smoothly for both ladies. Lota’s creche was about to close for the day. She had let her three staff dismiss after they were done organizing the place for Monday and then decided to wait for Mrs Mojo to pick up her son. She checked her phone and saw a couple of messages from her mom, Kachi, her elder brother, Mrs Mojo and Deji. She responded to all except Dejis’. She was unsure about how to answer. She was beginning to feel like everything was moving on too fast and given the conversation she had with Kachi last night, she regreted giving room to Deji. She read his message again “Hi beautiful”. She typed Hi handsome and deleted; hi dear and deleted. she didnt want to sound endearing or too warm and finally settled for Hi Deji. She placed back her phone inside her jean pocket and continue playing with her little friend David. She heard a car drive into the school premises and checked the time. It was 2:45pm, as usual, Mrs Mojo was late. She heard his mom rushing into the play room while apologizing “Teacher I am sorry, go-slow matter. You know today is Friday” to which she responded “It is fine Mami David, I understand” and handed the pretty lady her son. She escorted Mrs Mojo out and watched as she drove out, then went back in, packed her belongings and locked up.

She got into her Toyota vits, pulled out her phone to call her mom and saw Deji’s messages. He sent a couple of pictures and asked her to choose which she preferred. She declined the offer and he sent another message insisting that she picked one. She felt that he was trying to hard and it made her uneasy. she obliged and chose, called her mom and then drove out of the school premises.

The story continues…

Thanks for reading thus far!

In case you missed the first part, please click on the link below


Ms Chi Chi ❀

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Misggrace says:

    I am happy too.. Thanks for reading, I will be dropping the final one today.

    Much love sis


  2. Thank goodness Lota’s head is in proper working order

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yaay awesome can’t wait 😍 You’re welcome. It’s a really nice start 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Please when is the next part? I can’t wait 😍😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Misggrace says:

      Tomorrow morning yayπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
      Thanks for reading, I am glad you enjoyed it

      Liked by 1 person

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