imagesTruth be told, being a christian these days is more theoretical than practical. We often assume that a good knowledge of the bible/the word of God translates to a better and more disciplined life style. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case! It is nothing new to see that even Pastors, Priests and ministers are among those that perpetrate the worst atrocities in our society talk-less of Christians who aren’t serving in such capacity.

download (2)Being a Christian is demanding, it requires that one should more often go against trends, popular believes, feelings and many more. Do you know how difficult that can be?



It requires that one surrenders their Will to the Will of Christ and be guided by the Spirit of God every single minute of every single day of every single year they live here on earth. Do you know how difficult it is?

To turn the other cheek when you get slapped whereas you have hands to slap the hell out of the person

Perhaps you may think this is the ranting of an unbeliever but please tell me how easy or even realistic it is

  1. To love and respect a parent that constantly maltreated you at home and finally abandoned you as a child on the street, only to show up at your door 2 decades later demanding for love, care and respect
  2. To put up a smile and warmly greet your Ex fiance and best friend at a shopping mall that are about to get married and are not in the slightest bit remorseful for betraying you?
  3. To explain miracles or demonic powers to people in this ever evolving scientific world? Perhaps very soon, scientist will create sandals and shoes that walk on water and even a rod that parts water into two. Watch the space Christians
  4. To preach the word of God at your work place. Not many of us would want to risk getting judged by the people we preach to when we peradventure make mistake
  5. To let go of a job offer that pays well but deprives one the freedom to worship God?
  6. To pray graciously for someone that hurt you and is probably still hurting you and is not remorseful about their action?
  7. How easy is it to dress modestly or keep your body properly clothed these day and age without being tagged as stone age?

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In case we haven’t noticed Christians nowadays are allowed to wear bum shorts and other nude or revealing apparels. Christians are allowed to have homosexuals as ordained pastors and ministers. Christians are allow to have Tattoos, in fact, it is increasingly recommendable that youth pastors have tattoos to attract more youth into the church and make them comfortable in the house of God. Oh, premarital sex and cohabiting is totally nothing to worry about among Christians, after all they will eventually get married to each other. Politics of pulling down other people through lies, hate, anger, deception etc is permitted, that’s how perfect candidates for leadership positions are gotten. The list goes on and on! One is left wondering what’s the difference between the church and the world? But people often shove the “MIND YOUR BUSINESS” card in the form of slogans such as “God looks at the Heart not your outward appearance” and “Do not Judgedownload (3) Are these quotes ever used out of context or misinterpreted? 1 Samuel 16:7 & Matthew 7:1 respectively.

Who is Judging? People or the bible you ascribe to?

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As Christians increasingly realize that the path they’ve chosen is not easy, the best possible option left is to bend the word of God to suite their life styles. ‘Follow which ever scripture that suits your life style after all we are mere mortals and God understands‘. Morality  for many ‘Christians” these days is increasingly becoming subjective as opposed to being founded in the Word of God.

So what then is the difference between Christians and non Christians?

According to  Subdeacon Claude Lopez-Ginisty.“To be a Christian in the 21st century is, as it always was the case for Christians during the past centuries, to be physically present to the world, and to start living in the spiritual dimension of eternity. Respectful of human laws, it implies that we also abide by God’s commandments, and that we try and demonstrate to our neighbors that we are indeed disciples of the One Who, although He lived in the world of His times, was always relating to the higher dimension of the Kingdom. We do have to be living icons, manifesting as best as we can, that Christ is among us. It is a great responsibility, and we can but hope that with God’s grace, we will be able to achieve this high calling”

To be a Christian is difficult but not impossible!

Greater rewards are reserved for those who never take the easy route to success.

©MisG Chinonye Ifezue

Thanks for reading, feel free to share your thoughts and comments below

Much love ❤


26 Comments Add yours

  1. Hope Chilinda says:

    This is a great post. Usually, when express ourselves like this, the response is you’re backsliding, you’re sinning for even thinking like that, you’ve changed.
    Thank you for sharing this

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Misggrace says:

      Very true, especially the backsliding part.
      Thank you for reading through.
      Much blessing🌷💜


  2. I AGREE with you: SIN makes christian difficult, walking in the flesh makes it even more difficult. Believing in gospel is not enough, we have to REPENT.John said in Mark 1:15b ” Repent and believe the gospel”. So nowadays we see people who believe but do not want to forsake sin.Those who endure to the end, they shall receive the crown of life. Its about endurance-the goal is Heaven.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Misggrace says:

      Very true! The Christian race is not easy and only those that endure/persevere will enjoy the benefits at the end. God bless you Sis, much love ❤🌹


  3. Joan Akob says:

    Ohhhh this post!!! 😧👏👏👏👏👏. Just this week, I had an argument with a worship leader, who did not believe in miracles. Infact she didn’t even believe in speaking in tongues. Now this is someone who goes to church. Imagine someone who has never stepped into a church, and you want to explain demonic oppression to them! God help us because one cannot be Jesus follower without grace from God in our time!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Misggrace says:

      You can say that again, it takes grace. May God help us all, much love ❤🌹

      Liked by 1 person

  4. i agree with you that the Christian work is a difficult one, like you said, it is not impossible to live. Just like the Saints before us, we have the company and help of the Holy Spirit all the way.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Misggrace says:

      Amen! We need to accept the help the holy spirit is offering us. God bless you Victor🌹❤


  5. Very true; very insightful and a wonderful read. God bless you and continue to increase you in His wisdom.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Misggrace says:

      Amen! Thank you Sis, God bless you❤🌹

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome 🙂 And bless you too.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve been discussing this topic a lot with my friends and family. I think a lot of it comes from people bending the word or picking and choosing scriptures to meet their lifestyle. Some people add their own rules and doctrine God never asked for. What ever the case may be, it shows me how important it is for me to know the word for myself, to understand it, and know what God wants for and from me. I wrote something similar to this here, there’s an article I cited you might be interested in.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Misggrace says:

      Awesome, please share the link, I did love the article! May God help us… The more I look, the more I understand what the word of God mean by the ‘Narrow is the way’… On that last day, the bible makes it known that many will tell the Lord that they have preached and cast out demons and yet they would be denied access to the Kingdom of God. It boils down to our obedience to God’s word and the leading of the holy spirit in our lives. MAY God help us all that we are not a cast away on that last day! God bless you my sister 🌹❤


      1. Yes! Isnt that something! To be so focused on the works and performance then get to God and He’s like “but you didn’t do what I told you to do. Nor did you have a relationship with me.” May God help is for real so that He can look to us and say “well done. I’m am pleased”. Here is the link! Thought I put it before. The link to the article is at the end of this post
        And thank you so much for your support and visiting my blog! It meant so much to me!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Misggrace says:

          You’re welcome, awesome blog you have… Much love remain blessed❤🌹


  7. Levi Mberego says:

    Very true piece of writing. May the Lord have mercy on us!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Misggrace says:

      Amen! God bless you bro❤🌹


  8. Fabulous write Grace , how conveniently suiting to our ulterior motives , life style & super ego, we r drifting from the core beliefs & principles! The ignorance & materialistic pursuits have made us blind to transcend beyond , to know the truth !

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Misggrace says:

      Very true my good friend… our life pursuit is pushing us away from God and his principles… May God help us 🙏.. God bless you Kamakhya ❤🌹


  9. Comfort says:

    This is why I like reading your work…blunt, straight to the point and what we need to hear in this lost generation. NO beating around the bush. The church is not one. The church has lost the way and compromised Christ’s principle with that of the world. May the Lord help us all to retrace our steps back to Him and remain in His love and Will.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Comfort says:

    Reblogged this on WALKING IN CHRIST'S WILL and commented:
    This is why I like reading your work…blunt, straight to the point and what we need to hear in this lost generation. NO beating around the bush. The church is not one. The church has lost the way and compromised Christ’s principle with that of the world. May the Lord help us all to retrace our steps back to Him and remain in His love and Will.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Misggrace says:

      Amen…! We are really at peace with world and our heart is turning into stone because we supress the spirit of GOD in us all too often to do that which please us… May God help us. Much love dear, God bless you ❤🌹

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tracie says:

        I second your Amen! We, as the Church need to begin with repentance. Great message, thank you!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Misggrace says:

          Very true, God bless you Tracie 🌹❤


  11. nanaammasaah says:

    Great piece. Just this Sunday we were discussing at church how difficult being a Christian is and I find this piece very helpful. Will share with my class on Sunday. Thanks for writing this❤

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Misggrace says:

      Awesome! God bless you dearest 😍🌹


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